Thursday, September 11, 2008

Drawing. Day three.

Today we introduced another element into the equation. The previous days were very much about an individual relationship with gravity. Today we introduced the 'other'. Students were asked to pair up and explore a pose that demonstrates a dependancy on the other to remain in equilibrium with gravity. The task was to draw an understanding of both contacts with the physical word, the ground and the other. Each pair of students would work on a large piece of paper placed side by side and draw their individual responses. This, in a way that the viewer would be able to recognise that there were two senses of self here at play here, held in a complex physical relationship.

Some very interesting things happened during this workshops. Some pairs of students used the pose to first of all restrain each other from drawing. This became a titanic struggle to put charcoal on paper, leaving something of the history of this effort in the marks left behind. A fantastic visual starting point to bring form too. I think the complexity of this workshop is very evident in the drawings. Check it out for yourself by clicking on either of the images.

1 comment:

Visible education said...

These are great! What a huge amount of work to produce and ideas to cover in 3 days. I am really interested in the day 3 ideas of 'restraint' - there seems to be real scope here; be really interesting to get a sense of student's views on it all; how that progresses and changes. Look forward to seeing how it all takes shape over the course of the next year.